Twitter announced new and expanded partnerships with third-party measurement vendors on Monday.
Moat and Integral Ad Science will measure viewability for video ads and allow advertisers to compare attention metrics on Twitter to other channels. Twitter says Moat’s initial survey found that 99 percent of video ad impressions measured were viewable. The MRC threshhold for a viewable video ad is that at least 50 percent of the video player be in view for at least two seconds.
Twitter already partners with Nielsen and comScore. Now it will enable audience verification metrics such as demographics, reach, frequency and GRPs with Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR) and comScore validated Campaign Essentials (vCE).
comScore vCE is available now for US campaigns and will be available in Spain, Canada and the UK later this year. Nielsen is available in the US and more than 20 other countries, and Moat and Integral Ad Science verification are available globally.

Twitter’s third-party measurement vendor relationships.