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Sailthru issues a Personalization Index for online retailers

If you’ve been wondering how different retailers rank in their personalization, there’s now an index for that.

Personalization provider Sailthru has released its first Retail Personalization Index, scoring customer experiences for 100 US and UK brands between April and August of this year.

A brand did not need to be a Sailthru customer to make the list, although 18 were. The hundred were chosen by their brand prominence, retailer type and “known leadership in customer experience innovation and personalization.” The Index also offers a feature where any brand can self-calculate a score by selecting some criteria, although the methodology is more limited than the scoring for the hundred.

Sailthru VP of Marketing Jason Grunberg told me via email that his company intends to release an index every year, updated to account for changes in personalization technologies like augmented reality and possibly expanded beyond 100.

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