Movable Ink released a full-year version of its US Consumer Device Preference Report. The findings are based on analysis of more than six billion emails over the course of 2015.
According to the data, only 32 percent of email was opened on PCs in 2015, while 68 percent was opened on mobile devices. Of that 68 percent, tablet opens comprised about 16 percent.
Email Opens by Device Type
Source: Movable Ink
One interesting observation is the big discrepancy between mobile device market share and email opens. Android OS tablets and smartphones represent 53 percent of US mobile devices, but they combined for only 11 percent of all email opens and a slightly larger share of mobile opens. By comparison, iOS devices drove 56 percent of all opens, roughly five times the opens on Android devices.
Despite the fact that most emails were opened on mobile devices (68 percent), most conversions (53 percent) still took place on PCs. The exception to that was in Q4 2015 for retail marketers, when mobile conversions surged.
Conversions by Device Type
Source: Movable Ink
The self-evident takeaway from this data is the same as it has been for the past year: marketers must assume the primary device on which their emails will be seen — and potentially acted upon — is a smartphone. In addition, when marketers deliver sufficiently compelling mobile user experiences, motivated consumers will take action and convert.