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Message Bus Releases Email Platform Update Featuring Real-Time Analytics

Message Bus, which launched in 2010 to provide cloud-based email infrastructure, today announced the launch an update of its email platform for high volume email senders.

Message Bus Email Platform Update

The company focuses on email deliverability and reputation management. The Message Bus platform allows marketers to segment emails by distinct types — transactional, marketing, social, etc — and send them through separate “Channels” to minimize red flags and delivery problems and provide cleaner reporting. Message Bus also deploys automated reputation management for each dedicated IP.

Paul Midgen, Message Bus’ CEO and former director of email delivery and anti-spam at Hotmail, said in the announcement “Our platform creates a trusted channel between our senders and their customers, solving the core problems underlying poor delivery performance.”

Now Message Bus offers real-time analytics reporting on all activity such as opens, clicks, bounces at aggregate and granular levels as well as longer-term engagement trending data. Marketers can then see by Channel the success rate of each email from delivery performance to engagement at the user level.

Customers such as, DocuSign, Iterable, LinkedIn, Medium and MyFitnessPal have signed on.

The platform is available through invitation and setup configuration is tailored to each customer. Pricing starts at $350 per month to send up to 1 million emails. Customers sending up to 20 million pay $2,000 per month.

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