If there was a contest for the most important word over the last year of marketing and advertising, my money would be on “consent.”
The key driver, of course, is the value of that term in the newly implemented General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
To manage all those user consents, there’s now a new acronym: CMP, for consent management platform. (Content management platforms will just have to go back to being called content management systems.)
Although consent managing systems have been coming online since at least a year ago, many of the current crop are being built for compatibility with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)’s new Consent Management Framework.
Currently, there are over a hundred approved CMPs. The IAB Consent Management Framework, announced in March, is designed to present consent options to visitors of websites (and, eventually, mobile apps), to capture consent about the use of personal data and the authorized vendors, and then to relay that consent profile to relevant ad tech vendors in the ecosystem.
IAB Tech Lab SVP Jordan Mitchell told me that his organization “didn’t want to pick winners who would surface the consent screen,” so it hasn’t actually delivered a tech spec for CMPs.