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Google: Viewable Impressions Will Be The Standard On GDN And DoubleClick

Google announced today that it has received Media Rating Council (MRC) accreditation for Active View, the company’s viewability measurement solution. 


With Active View, advertisers will be charged only for impressions that meet the IAB’s proposed viewability standard of at least 50% on screen for one second or longer.

Google says it will be building the viewability standard into products for both advertisers and publishers. Active View reporting will be available on the Google Display Network (GDN) and in DoubleClick for Advertisers and DoubleClick for Publishers this year.

Google’s accreditation marks a significant milestone for the industry-wide initiative to move to a viewable impression-based standard for display advertising. The current pricing standard is “served impressions,” and advertisers are charged for ad impressions regardless if they are seen by users. A 2012 comScore study found 31percent of display ads are never seen by their intended audiences.

Several companies have adopted the viewability standard already. For example, TripAdvisor announced earlier this month that it would only charge advertisers for in-view impressions. Yet, Google’s enormous coverage in the display advertising market will add immediate scale to the viewability initiative.  According to eMarketer, Google was the market leader in U.S. display ad sales last year with $2.26 billion in net digital display ad revenues in 2012 and $3.11 billion expected in 2013.


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