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Export Your Google AdPlanner Data Now: AdWords Display Planner To Take Over Next Month

Google has announced that it’s rolling up AdPlanner and the Contextual Targeting Tool and Placement Tool into the new Google Display Planner. The consolidation is designed to unify the process of researching, planning and launching campaigns on the Google Display Network.

The Contextual Targeting Tool and Placement Tool will be sunsetted in the next few days.

Unlike AdPlanner, which users could access with any Google account, Display Planner requires an AdWords account. (Google made the same move with the recent switch from the Keyword Tool to Keyword Planner.) AdPlanner will be cut in early September, so now is the time to export any media plans and site lists you want to keep.

Google has published a guide to the Display Planner for AdPlanner users to make the transition.


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