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Crowdsourced Display Ad Design And Testing Platform Dispop Launches

A new display ad design and testing platform that taps into the scalability of crowdsourcing launched today. Dispop allows advertisers to source Web banner ads, mobile ads and Facebook ads from thousands of designers and run automated A/B tests to find the top performers based on the marketer’s KPIs.

Dispop was started by co-founders Ayal Ebert and Guy Falkovitch — the duo also behind DesignPax, a self-serve online design platform, and Dispop’s parent company — to streamline the process of ad design, delivery and optimization. Ebert says, “We  saw that the display advertising ecosystem is relatively efficient with the exception of the creative process.”

Ebet and Falkovitch already knew from their experience with DesignPax that marketers were hampered by a lack of resources for display ad creation. What they quickly noticed, though, was that advertisers were choosing “winners” based on what they liked rather than actual performance data. “Marketers often focus on targeting technology, but creative can make or break a display campaign,” said Ebert.

Dispop allows advertisers to submit a brief that goes out to a network of designers a la 99Designs. Pricing starts at $199 for 15 designs from which the advertiser can choose 5 to A/B test. The top-level package gives the advertiser over 100 designs from which they can test an unlimited number of ads. In a contest format, the designers of the top three performing banners earn a percentage based on the package the advertiser chose. The designers’ contest winnings are included in the cost of the package price.

A dashboard allows advertisers to see and select design submissions and monitor campaign testing results.

Dispop Banner Design Crowdsourcing

Advertisers can synch their Facebook, Google or DSP account via API or place ad tags which can be used on any DSP, exchange or publisher.  Dispop sends the selected banners to the advertiser’s campaigns and measures performance. The testing is automated and the winner is selected based on CTR’s or conversions.

The platform has been in closed beta for the past several months. One beta client, cloud access provider Intercloud, ran a campaign through Dispop on the Google Display Network. After receiving 73 design submissions, Intercloud selected five ads to test. CTRs ranged from .45% to 1.23% for the winning ad, which gave them a 64% lift from their original banner.

The Tel Aviv-based company launches with $600 thousand in seed funding from Inimiti Capital Partners which it will use to expand its U.S. operations and establish new partnerships with DSP’s, ad networks and agency trading desks.


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