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Bizo Aims To Scale Anonymous Visitor Nurturing, Extends Marketing Automation To Display & Socia

Marketing automation continues to move beyond email drip campaigns. Today, B2B audience targeting firm Bizo launched a new version of its Multi-Channel Nurturing solution aimed at scaling outreach to anonymous website visitors who don’t provide contact information or sign-in during their visit, which can be more than 95 percent of visitors according to a SiriusDecisions Benchmark study. The solution extends nurture campaign targeting to display and social advertising.

The initial version of Multi-Channel Nurturing, introduced in October 2013, was only available to Bizo and Eloqua customers. This new release is open to all Bizo customers, regardless of whether they are currently using a marketing automation platform.

“With the B2B buying cycle 90 percent over by the time a sales person is contacted, the onus lies on marketing to educate buyers throughout that entire journey – making automation absolutely critical,” said Chris Mann, vice president of product management, Bizo in the announcement. “Of course email nurturing is a powerful tool to address this problem, but it’s limited since marketers only have emails for a small percentage of their target audience. With Bizo Multi-Channel Nurturing, we’re extending the important nurturing effort to display and social advertising to give marketers the ability to run programs that are always on, and help CMOs maximize their resources and create better efficiency.

“Marketers can set up nurture path sequences and retarget anonymous visitors as well as known prospects with ads and content across B2B websites, ad exchanges and on Facebook based on visitors’ onsite behavior and demographic profiles.

“With Bizo Multi-Channel Nurturing, we’re able to extend the power of marketing automation nurturing beyond the inbox to the huge pool of unknown visitors coming to our website every day,” said Meagen Eisenberg, vice president of demand generation at DocuSign. “Bizo’s precise business demographic data combined with customized nurture paths allows us to serve sequenced display and social ads to only our most high-value, anonymous prospect segments – all of which helps us increase lead volume and optimize lead quality from the moment a person first becomes interested in our brand.”


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