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Best Practices For Image Ads On The Google Display Network

Creating image ads for the Google Display Network — especially if you’re coming from a search marketing background where images are novel — can be a daunting task!

If you’re using an in-house designer, are paying someone to make ads for you, or are using the Google AdWords ad builder template, make sure you read through the best practices I’ll outline before you get started.

You need to ensure you’ve got your strategy and plans in order before you actually begin creating the ads, because going back to create new iterations of display ads can be time-consuming and/or expensive.

Three Important Considerations:

  1. What is your campaign goal? What are these image ads supposed to get accomplished?

  2. How will you have the ads blend with other marketing collateral, such as your web site?

  3. Do you want to include a call to action, or do you want to qualify customers by leaving off a call to action?

For more details on these three, along with additional tips, check out my full column on Search Engine Land.

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