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Advertisers Keep Spending More On Paid Search In Q1, CTRs Jump 23 Percent YoY

Paid search in the U.S. saw another quarter of positive growth in Q1, rising 8 percent year-over-year according to IgnitionOne’s latest quarterly report, which looks at paid search performance of campaigns across its management platform that’s used by major brands and agencies.

Paid Search Spend Trends Q1 2014 IgnitionOne

Paid search clicks rose a modest 5 percent and click-through-rates (CTR) were up 23 percent. Impressions fell again — dropping 15 percent year-over- year. The drop in impressions, according to the report, is due to the increase in mobile searches where there is less ad real estate per query. However, these mobile searches are highly efficient for advertisers in those limited spots the effective CPM for mobile ads rose 27 percent year-over-year.

For more findings on mobile paid search performance by engine — and which engine is yielding higher efficiencies for advertisers — check out full coverage on our sister site, Search Engine Land.

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