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2017 predictions: Why artificial intelligence will blow account-based marketing out of the water


We are approaching the end of another year, and with that comes time for reflection on how far we’ve come in the last 12 months and speculation about what’s ahead.

If we look back on the last year in the world of sales and marketing, there’s one trend in particular that’s sparked notable enthusiasm from B2B marketers: the emergence of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) as a category.

In 2016, we saw explosive growth in ABM acceleration and adoption, with more than 70 percent of B2B companies focused on driving ABM programs, according to a recent study by SiriusDecisions. This growth has definitely impacted how marketers structure their tech stacks today. ABM has gone from a “nice to have” marketing tactic to a key solution that marketing departments are actively working to execute within their organizations.


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