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What B2B marketing can teach you about PPC in higher education

Pick up any “introduction to marketing” textbook, and it will describe the difference between business-to-business (B2B) marketing and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing.

It will note that, generally, the B2C sales process is simpler. Conversion paths are short. Fewer people are involved in the purchase decision. And once the sale process is complete, the connection between purchaser and seller is minimal.

In contrast, the B2B sales process is more complex. Conversion paths are long. More people are involved in the purchase decision. And post-sale, the purchaser and seller remain connected through implementation, support and possible future sales.

Of course, as with any marketing “rule,” there are exceptions. And after managing PPC accounts for a number of post-secondary institutions, I can tell you that in many ways, PPC marketing for universities has more in common with B2B marketing than B2C marketing — even though universities market to consumers (i.e., prospective students) instead of other businesses.

In this article, I detail five similarities (and a few differences) so that you can use this knowledge to inform your own university PPC campaigns.

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