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Two kinds of video ads help break through the dilemma of interruptive marketing

Two ad tech firms presented possible answers last week to advertising’s Dirty Little Secret.

That Secret, of course, is that few people actually watch content-interrupting ads. At a breakfast hosted by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) in New York City, Head of Market Development Frank Maguire from native ad platform Sharethrough highlighted the bad news.

Eighty-six percent of viewers skip TV ads these days, Sharethrough said, citing a YouGov study for Deloitte. Eighty-seven percent use a second screen while watching TV, particularly during commercials, per Accenture. Ninety percent skip pre-roll ads, says ORC International.

But that’s only half of the bad news. Here’s the rest: About three-quarters of video ad budgets are spent on these kinds of interruptive TV and pre-roll ads, per the Zenith Advertising Expenditure Forecasts.

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