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Twitter TV Ad Targeting Now Live To National Television Advertisers In U.S.

Today, Twitter announced the general availability of TV Ad Targeting, which launched in beta this May. The program allows national television advertisers in the U.S. to target Promoted Tweets to users who tweeted about the TV shows their ads ran against.

The beta appears to have been a quick success. Through the company’s partnership with Nielsen to measure second screen brand impact with the Nielsen Brand Effect for Twitter survey tool, Twitter says brands in the beta, including Adidas, Holiday Inn, Jaguar and Samsung, saw higher message association and purchase intent.

Twitter says users who engage with a TV ad targeted Promoted Tweet “demonstrate 95% stronger message association and 58% higher purchase intent compared to users identified as being exposed on TV alone.” Furthermore, engagement rates with TV ad targeted Promoted Tweets were 27 percent higher than their historical averages, according to the company.

In addition to the program launch, Twitter is adding a new set of analytics in the TV Ads Dashboard to help advertisers using TV ad targeting to understand what users on Twitter are saying about their ad campaigns. Below is a screenshot example of what the new ad commentary dashboard looks like.


Holiday Inn Express targeted consumers who watched TV shows that aired the company’s TV ads that incorporated the #StaySmart hashtag. In the Twitter announcement, SVP Heather Balsey, said, “By using captivating messaging alongside Direct Response messages, video assets and interesting #StaySmart facts, we’ve been able to garner exceptionally high user engagement for our Promoted Tweets. Because engagement rates have been significantly higher, it’s enabled us to continue to drive new followers and create engaging conversation with consumers via @HIExpress.”

Update: The screenshot above now reflects the changes made by Twitter after it was discovered that the company had attributed fake tweets to three real Twitter users. See our story on the fallout and Twitter’s apology.

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