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Twitter Adds New Tailored Audiences Options: Upload From Your CRM, Target By Twitter ID

Twitter debuted tailored audiences just over a month ago to give advertisers more sophisticated targeting capabilities, including retargeting, on the social platform. Today the company announced new ways to create target audiences that should greatly expand their appeal for marketers.

A key new feature, Twitter advertisers can now create tailored audiences using email addresses from their CRM systems. Emails are sent to Twitter in an encoded format and then matched to Twitter accounts. The limitation with CRM integrations are is they only work when the user has provided the same email to both the advertiser and Twitter.  But, when there’s a match, the targeting impact can be very powerful. Here’s Twitter’s example of what the process looks like:


The other new option is advertisers can now create audiences using Twitter IDs, which include usernames and user IDs. Twitter is pitching this as tool, in part, for influencer targeting. Advertisers can build lists based on information from user bios, follower counts, verified status, or past Tweets pulled  from Twitter or by using Twitter’s API or Certified Products. They can then create sponsored Tweet campaigns aimed specifically at these select users.

Twitter Tailored Audiences With Twitter IDs for Influencer Targeting

Exclusion targeting is the final update to tailored audiences and is available for both CRM and Twitter ID audiences. Advertisers can excluded based on Twitter’s existing targeting options of interests, keywords and TV. Exclusion targeting can also be used to remove users in a CRM list such as current customers.

To participate in tailored audiences, advertisers must engage with one of Twitter’s partners, including Acxiom, Datalogix, Epsilon, Liveramp, Mailchimp, Merkle and Salesforce ExactTarget for CRM. Advertisers can create CRM and Twitter ID tailored audiences with the Ads API available through each these ad partners.

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