Our phones may be smarter than ever, but the most popular activity most Americans use them for is pretty simple — to send SMS messages. That tops the list of cell phone activities for 2013, according to a new study released by Pew Internet.
The study, conducted in April and May of this year and involving over 2,000 adults, asked about various activities. Texting topped the list, followed by accessing the internet, doing email, downloading apps, getting directions and more. The full list:
81% of cell phone owners text
60% of cell phone owners use the internet
52% do email
50% download apps
49% get directions, recommendations, or some other type of location-based information
48% listen to music
21% do video calls or chat
8% “check in” or share their location
Virtually all the activities have been trending up over time. Music hasn’t, simply because there’s no trend data available for music yet. Check-in services are the notable exception posting a drop: