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Top 10 Columns From Marketing Land Contributors In 2014: The Most Popular Overall


As Marketing Land editors, we love to compile these lists at the end of the year. The process gives us important insights into what’s on the minds of our beloved readers and helps us guide contributors to create ever more useful and thought-provoking content.

They’re also a great reflection of the year that’s passed, as many columns analyzed the developments making headlines and capturing the attention of the digital marketing world in 2014.

This year, as you’ll note below, the omni-channel consumer experience — developing consistent and conversion-driving touchpoints across devices over time — was much on the minds of marketers. Google Analytics, and the migration to Universal Analytics, was another big topic of discussion, as was the future of Google+.

Contributor Peter Minnium of the IAB gave us some insightful and informative looks at the changing display advertising universe this year; Muhammad Saleem denounced the term “growth hacking”; and Aaron Strout showed what’s possible with mobile apps with his description of one of Walmart’s initiatives.

Finally, we see that some topics — like how to go about developing a website — are destined to be popular with digital marketers in perpetuity, especially when the columns are crafted by knowledgeable contributors like Stoney DeGeyter.

  1. Why And How Brands Must Go Omni-Channel in 2014 by James Green. Published on 1/24/14. 980 social shares across all platforms.

  2. Complete Guide To Universal Analytics – Should You Upgrade? by John Lincoln. Published on 2/14/14. 571 social shares across all platforms.

  3. Growth Hacking Is Bull by Muhammad Saleem. Published on 1/10/14. 949 social shares across all platforms.

  4. Beyond Social: The Benefits To Google+ For Business by Alison Zeringue. Published on 2/13/14. 1800 social shares across all platforms.

  5. How To Get Started With LinkedIn Paid Ads by Benjamin Spiegel. Published on 1/15/14. 692 social shares across all platforms.

  6. Walmart’s New Savings Catcher: The Killer App by Aaron Strout. Published on 8/22/14. 453 social shares across all platforms.

  7. A Google Analytics Setup Checklist by Brian Massey. Published on 10/16/13. 2900 social shares across all platforms.

  8. Bye, Bye Banner: Emerging Display Formats & What Marketers Need To Know by Peter Minnium. Published on 5/14/14. 2700 social shares across all platforms.

  9. Why Google Plus Will Not Die (But May Change) by Mark Traphagen. Published on 5/2/14. 2000 social shares across all platforms.

  10. 100+ Questions You Must Ask When Developing A Website by Stoney DeGeyter. Published on 6/17/14. 1600 social shares across all platforms.

Methodology: Columns published in 2014 are ranked in order of pageviews measured by Google Analytics. Data was gathered on December 4 and include all columns published through December 3, 2014.

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