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Thanks To Project Glass, Google Is Most Shared Video Brand Of 2012 [Report]

Google videos were shared nearly 5.9 million times in 2012, making it the most shared video brand of the year according to Unruly Media’s

Google ranked seventh in the 2011 index, and Unruly Media credits this year’s jump to Google’s success with its Project Glass: One day… video, the video that Google released in the spring to introduce how consumers might some day use the Google Glass product. (see below)

Google videos were shared almost 200 percent more often this year than in 2011. Nike ranks second on Unruly Media’s list with about 5.5 million video shares. Coca-Cola had the biggest one-year gain with 485 percent more video shares this year than a year ago. Volkswagen, last year’s top video brand, fell to 10th this year.

Here’s the full top 10:


This isn’t a chart showing what company’s videos had the most views — it ranks videos by the number of times they’re shared on Facebook, Twitter and on blogs. The count covers January 1, 2012 through November 22, 2012 — the same date range used for the 2011 comparisons.

Here’s the Google Glass video that Unruly Media credits for a lot of Google’s video sharing success this year.

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