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Simply Measured Offers Facebook Insights With Ads Report

Social media analytics provider Simply Measured is now offering its customers a Facebook report that merges analytics for organic and paid posts on the social network.

Simply Measured said it is the first metrics platform to provide such a report: “Because of the intricacy and manual effort involved with stitching multiple Facebook APIs together (it takes one of our customers a day and a half each week!), most social marketers currently report on paid media separately from the rest of their fan page performance.”


As the sample chart above shows, the report gives a top-level reading of effectiveness of a brand’s Facebook ad spending, showing how much paid promotion is contributing to overall engagement, reach, impressions and new page likes.

Among the report’s other comparisons:

  1. page impressions with and without paid support.

  2. cost per paid impression, paid like, paid comment and paid share.

  3. performance of new paid and organic posts.

  4. negative feedback on paid vs. organic posts.

Simple Measured’s entry-level plan is $500 a month. Read more at Simply Measured’s blog.

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