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SEM account management: Part 3 — How to get more responsibility

In part 1 of this series, we showed how SEM account managers can avoid getting fired; part 2 detailed how they can improve account performance and “deliver the goods” to their organization in the form of conversions or sales. In my final installment here, I’d like to discuss how to take things to the next level in order to advance your career.

A good SEM account manager should strive to be like Alexander the Great — while you’re conquering one land, there should be an adjacent one you have your eyes on. That “next land” may be display, paid social, or even SEO or email marketing. Either way, if you do a good job with the small responsibilities you’ve already been given, larger responsibilities are sure to follow.

These items in particular should make your management stand up and take notice; and worst-case, you’ll be garnering experience that could help you get a promotion by leaving and working for another organization at some point.

Three things can get you more responsibility: finding opportunities for more reach, making major improvements to CPA or ROAS and expanding efforts into other channels.

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