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Report: New Facebook Premium Ads Arriving Next Week

“Anything you can do on your Page, you can do in ads.”

That seems to be the primary slogan/message for a set of new Premium Ads that Facebook will reportedly announce next week — likely at its fMC Marketing Conference on February 29th.

On GigaOm this afternoon, Peter Corbett of iStrategyLabs posted a PDF and slide deck that appears to have come from Facebook and introduces the new Premium Ads product. The documents reveal that Facebook plans to make it possible for advertisers to take any type of content posted to their Facebook Page and turn it into an ad.

The new Premium Ads will replace several “classic” premium ad options that will be retired on February 29th:

  1. Premium Like (Photo and Video)

  2. Premium Event

  3. Video Comment

  4. Premium Poll (Photo and Video)

Premium Standard ads and Marketplace Ads will remain available.


With the new Premium Ads, the content that’s posted organically as Page content will be viewable to Page fans/followers, but once turned into a Premium Ad, that content can be targeted to any Facebook user — non-fans included.

As you can see in the slide/screenshot above, Facebook is telling advertisers that they can expect a 40 percent increase in engagement, 80 percent gain in branding/ad retention and a 16 percent increase in fan rate from the new Premium Ad products.


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