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Report: Major Brand Adoption Of Facebook & Google+ Has Dropped

Fewer “top brands” are using Facebook and Google+ today than eight months ago. But it’s not a huge decline and may just represent the normal coming and going of online brand activities.

In its latest Social Share Report, BrightEdge says that 90 of the world’s top brands have Facebook pages and 75 have Google+ pages. That’s as of July 2012.

Eight months ago, in its SocialShare Report from last December, BrightEdge reported that 93 top brands were on Facebook and 77 were on Google+.


Not shown in the chart is that BrightEdge says 80 of the top 100 worldwide brands have a Twitter presence.

The numbers may represent the natural ebb and flow of online marketing, as companies analyze what channels are working and which aren’t, and adjust their activity and visibility accordingly.

User Engagement Up

BrightEdge reports that the brands still on Google+ are seeing increases in user engagement, at least to the degree that it’s measured by follower counts. Just between May and July of 2012, the number of users following the top 100 brands rose from 7.9 million to 12.2 million. That’s a growth rate of 54 percent.

Understandably, top brands on the year-old Google+ have far fewer followers than they do on Facebook, which launched business Pages in late 2007.


One last interesting stat from the report: BrightEdge says that only 20 percent of the top brands that have Google+ pages are linking from their websites to their Google+ page.

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