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Parsons Lab launches an online platform to generate GDPR legal docs

Whatever other benefits the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will accomplish, we know it won’t reduce the number of documents on the planet.

To help reduce the document-creation workload for small and medium-sized businesses, Salt Lake City-based Parsons Behle Lab is out with an automated online platform called GDPR IQ. The Lab says this is “the first automated tool that assesses an organization’s GDPR needs and generates the complete set of required GDPR policies, procedures and proof of compliance documents.”

The Lab is an “innovation subsidiary” of the Parsons Behle & Latimer law firm. The Lab’s president, Kimball Parker, was the founding director of the LawX design lab at the BYU Law School, where he oversaw the creation of a free online tool for Utah residents that helped them respond to debt collection lawsuits, called SoloSuit.


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