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Page Post Ads Now Being Shown To All (Not Just Fans) In Facebook News Feed

Last December, Facebook began testing page post ads which would display ads directly in users news feeds. The posts look very organic, with the only discerning factor being  a “sponsored” link in the corner. These ads would only be available to those users who were fans (liked a page), or friends of fans … until today. InsideFacebook reported that Facebook is now testing the ability for page post ads to reach users with no connection to the page.

The ad units will also have the ability for users to like the page directly within the post, not just the post itself. The mobile app ad unit launched last week was the first step in the direction of injecting ads into the feed from non-liked pages, and this continues the movement. This resembles the Twitter promoted Tweets product that allows specific message targeting on a post level.

For more information see InsideFacebook.


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