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Online Vs. TV: 72% Of Agencies Say Online Video Ads Are As Effective – Or More Effective &#821


According to a new survey from BrightRoll, 72 percent of ad agencies say online video advertising is as effective, if not more effective, than television.

The video advertising software provider surveyed 120 U.S. ad agencies, asking questions like: what percent of your digital RFPs included a video ad component in the last 12 months? How effective is online video advertising? What is the most important success metric for your digital video campaigns?

During the last three years, BrightRoll says agencies have seen an 88.6 percent increase in client interest around video ads.

We asked agencies what portion of your RFPs include a video ad component. In 2011, 25.6 percent said a majority; in 2014, that number grew to 48.3 percent.

The survey findings showed 41 percent of respondents believe online video ads are  more effective than TV, while 31 percent claimed they are as effective.

Effectiveness Of Online Video Advertising

BrightRoll survey 2015 online video effectiveness

BrightRoll’s survey responses regarding the effectiveness of video ads differ from a similar agency survey conducted by Strata Marketing which found 50 percent of its respondents were “unsure” whether or not video ads offered good ROI.

When asked which metric was most important for measuring a digital video campaign’s success, 20 percent of BrightRoll’s respondents said completed views, while only four percent named sales impact.

What Is The Most Important Success Metric For Your Digital Video Campaign?

BrightRoll survey 2015 success metric

Fifty-six percent of the agencies surveyed said their clients view digital video’s targeting capabilities as the most valuable aspect of video advertising, far out-weighing other aspects like reach (20%) and ad unit format (7%).

When it comes to budgets, 22 percent of the survey respondents said they plan to devote a majority of their overall digital video spend on programmatic during the next 12 months. Sixty percent said they expect the largest increase in digital media spend will be on mobile, with 79 percent of the survey participants saying they will likely spend video ad budgets on tablets.

Which Ad Category To Do You Expect To See The Largest Overall Increase In Digital Media Spending This Year?

BrightRoll survey 2015 video ad category
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