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Mobile Domination: More Google Searches Across The Globe Now Occur On Mobile Than Desktop

Earlier this year, Google reported that the US, Japan and eight other countries saw more searches performed on mobile devices than on traditional desktop computers. This mobile trend has now taken over the world quite literally, as Google has officially announced that today across the globe, more searches occur on mobile than on desktop.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that all countries have mobile queries spearheading their search numbers, but instead that this mobile wave has now eclipsed traditional computers with all countries and data taken into account. It should also be noted that this doesn’t mean that desktop numbers are shrinking. They aren’t. Rather more searches are being performed on mobile devices than ever before. It’s an additive effect.

Google Search was reported last month to be the fourth most popular app (growing faster than Facebook) and is here to stay. As marketers, especially those working in international markets, this is just another reminder of just how important mobile is. With the addition of AMP last week, and Mobile Friendly Update from earlier this year, mobile should be top-of-mind when catering to your search audience.

For more information, see the full story on Search Engine Land.

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