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MarTech Today: WordPress 4.4.2, Skimlinks Partners With Lotame & URX’s “Carousels&#

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Here’s our daily recap of what happened in marketing technology, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.

From Marketing Land:

  1. WordPress Releases 4.4.2 To Fix Two Security Issues Feb 2, 2016 by Matt McGee Latest version of popular content management system also fixes 17 bugs.

  2. 7 Ways Small Businesses Can Leverage Third-Party Apps for Local Search & Marketing Feb 2, 2016 by Wesley Young Apps consume the majority of mobile media time, but local business apps struggle to compete for attention. Columnist Wesley Young looks at how SMBs can instead use space on the most popular apps to get in front of customers.

  3. Skimlinks Makes Its User-Intent Data Available To DMP Lotame Feb 2, 2016 by Barry Levine The first-party publisher data from affiliate network Skimlinks means that Lotame can add massive info about what users are now interested in buying to its own behavioral and demographic layers.

  4. Deep-Linker URX Expands Into Related Ads/Content “Carousels” Feb 2, 2016 by Barry Levine New mobile content discovery option offers linked “cards” for tickets, songs, merchandise or other content.

  5. Yandex Rolls Out Mobile-Friendly Algorithm In Russia, Code Name Vladivostok Feb 2, 2016 by Barry Schwartz The largest Russian search engine has launched their mobile-friendly algorithm today.

From Around The Web:

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