Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on
Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Twitter to enforce new rules around issue ads starting September 30 Aug 30, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues Aiming to rid its platform of bad actors, Twitter has released a new policy for ads that refer to an election or advocate legislative issues.
Learn how to navigate Google’s Comparison Shopping Services Aug 30, 2018 by Digital Marketing Depot In the European Union, it’s been a tough 12 months for Google. But for every cloud, a silver lining. Mounting pressure (and a record fine from the EU for being anticompetitive) has triggered an unexpected, short-term boon for retailers.
There is no reason to manage bids manually Aug 30, 2018 by Frederick Vallaeys When it comes to bid management, let the machines do the heavy lifting, advises contributor Frederick Vallaeys. Here’s why it’s best to automate the tedious work humans used to do to calculate CPC.
Why following SEO trends guarantees SEO budget waste. Aug 30, 2018 by Kaspar Szymanski Blindly following SEO trends is almost guaranteed to waste an SEO budget and your time. Contributor Kasper Szymanski looks at the pros and cons of investing in SEO and how to maximize a budget.
A kickback stampede: Why Google’s EU comparison shopping program may carry risk Aug 30, 2018 by Andreas Reiffen Google’s ploy to give comparison shopping service providers more market share has triggered a gold rush. Here’s why contributor Andreas Reiffen doesn’t think that’s a good idea.
IBM Michael Trapani: AI may never understand a great meal, but it understands performance Aug 30, 2018 by Barry Levine Previewing his MarTech Conference presentation, Trapani sees AI not as a team leader, but as a team specialist.
Google expands Assistant device network, adds polyglot support Aug 30, 2018 by Greg Sterling Company announces dizzying array of new integrations of the Google Assistant into speakers, displays and smart appliances.
Without identity, retailer ad retargeting misses the mark Aug 30, 2018 by Mike Sands Marketers spend billions to retarget ads to customers and annoy them with their repetitive messaging. Contributor Mike Sands offers a suggestion for leveling up your retargeting game.
Pandora rolls out new Dynamic, Sequential and Short-Form Audio ads Aug 30, 2018 by Robin Kurzer This is the first time the audio platform has offered anything beyond standard :15 and :30 audio ads.
Facebook opens up video ad opportunities to more creators as it takes Watch global Aug 29, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues Ad Breaks are now available to Pages with 10,000 followers that have generated more than 30,000 one-minute video views during the past two months.
Recent Headlines From MarTech Today, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Marketing Technology:
Managing the stack: Analytics, data management and the new era of marketing Aug 30, 2018 by Jose Cebrian Analytics tools aren’t just another level of your martech stack. Contributor Jose Cebrian argues that they should be interwoven throughout the technologies used in the marketing process.
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
3 Things Managers Should Know About the Gig Economy, Business 2 Community
Discover what Gen Z is watching on YouTube, Think With Google
How People Are Watching Video and What This Means for Advertisers, Facebook Business
How to Diversify Your Professional Network, Harvard Business Review
How to Repurpose Your Social Media Content to Skyrocket Conversion, Social Bakers
How to Research Buyer Personas for More Successful Marketing Campaigns, Social Media Examiner
How to use exit Pop Ups to catch abandoning visitors, Vertical Response
Introducing YouTube Giving: New tools for charitable giving on YouTube, YouTube Creator Blog
The Simple Twitter Strategy That Helped Us Generate 90% More Clicks, Buffer