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Introducing MarTech Today: Your Home & Daily Read For Marketing Technology

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Looking to keep up with marketing technology? Marketing Land has the solution you need. We’re happy to announce our new MarTech Today section that features original content about developments in the space and a new MarTech Today email newsletter that delivers stories about marketing technology to your inbox each day.

Earlier this year, Marketing Land gained a martech channel. We’re now expanding that to include daily coverage of the area, especially through the efforts of our new writer who’s watching the space, Barry Levine. With the added coverage comes a new name for the section, MarTech Today.

Within MarTech Today, you’ll also see our new MarTech Today newsletter, which brings you all the stories exclusively about martech that have appeared within the MarTech Today section, as well as any marketing technology-related stories from our other sections of Marketing Land.

Basically, anything we cover on Marketing Land that’s related to marketing technology will be integrated into the MarTech Today newsletter, as well as stories from other publications and resources from across the Web that we’ve curated. You can read your daily issue on the Web within the MarTech Today section, catch up on previous issues that are archived there or sign up for daily delivery.

Be sure to get your daily dose of MarTech. It’s easy. Just head to the MarTech Today section and use the sign-up form at the top of the page. Or even easier, just scroll to the top of this article. The sign-up form is right there above the headline, as it is with any story we publish within MarTech Today.

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