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Innovid now screens inventory for HTML5 video ads for the first time

HTML5 and Flash

At the risk of sounding melodramatic, Flash video ads have only days to live.

On Monday, July 3, the steady death march for the once-popular media format reaches what could be its final fadeout.

On that day, Google will no longer support Flash video ads on its industry-dominating tools, including DoubleClick’s Campaign Manager, Bid Manager or Ad Exchange, or in AdWords or DoubleClick for Publishers.

And, in another sign that HTML5 video ads are taking Flash’s place, video ad serving platform Innovid announced this week that it is working with authentication service DoubleVerify to keep HTML5 video ads away from bad pages.

Those site pages are ones that DoubleVerify judges to be fraudulent or to contain content that is hostile to an advertiser’s image. The objectionable content is determined by scanning the inventory’s content and comparing it to keywords or other guidelines provided by the advertiser.

This is the first time that Innovid, which says it has about a third of the market, has taken these precautions with HTML5 video ads. Here’s a screen showing impressions blocked:

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