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Google Rolls Out App Promotion Ads On Search And YouTube


Last spring, Google took the first step in upping its offerings for app developers in introducing app install and app re-engagement ads. These ads formats rolled out on the Google’s mobile AdMob Network in June and today became available on Google search and YouTube globally.

App Install Ads

Google’s mobile app install (or click-to-download) ads can appear on mobile devices both Android and iOS devices. On Android devices, ads will automatically be excluded from showing on devices that already installed on Android devices. If a user uninstalls the app, they’ll be automatically added back into the targeting.

A Google spokesperson tells me they expect to roll out this functionality more broadly over time, but for now ads aren’t automatically excluded from showing on iOS devices that already have an app installed.

The targeting for search ads is done through traditional keyword selection. Google’s keyword suggestions for app install campaigns in search has been tweaked to pull queries used for finding the app on Google Play and Google Search.

Another benefit afforded Android apps is that conversions are tracked automatically in AdWords. For iOS apps, conversion tracking has to be set up manually.

These ads, which are automatically generated using the app’s icon and reviews on Google Play or iTunes, are linked to the app’s store page.

On YouTube, advertisers can target prospects based on their interests, demographics and videos they’ve watched. The ads work by linking the app ID to TrueView for mobile app promotion campaigns. Bidding on YouTube is on a cost-per-view (CPV) basis.

App video ads on YouTube are automatically created using a link from the YouTube account and the app ID. The app name, icon, price, and ratings display next to the video ad.

Re-Engagement Ads

App re-engagement ads can deep link users to specific pages of apps already installed on their mobile devices.

In the example shown below, if a user searches for hotels in San Francisco on Google, an ad for the Booking app that they already have installed will link directly to the page of San Francisco hotels in the app.

Google App Re-Engagement Ads

Advertisers can sign up for the app re-engagement beta online.

Google says app conversion numbers may take as many as three days to be updated in AdWords and AdWords for Video reporting due to delayed interactions between a person’s device, Google, and any third party tracking services.

Both Facebook and Twitter have found success in catering to app developers. Facebook’s App Link program also offers deep linking on apps. The company recently said over a billion app links have been created on the platform. Google’s AdMob network is also not unique, Facebook and Twitter each have their own publisher ad networks as well. Twitters app install and engagement units rolled out globally this June. Still, Google’s reach across search, YouTube and its mobile publisher network is enviable. (And of course many of these ads will drive downloads from Google’s own app store.)

Another possible Google advantage: earlier this month, Google confirmed it is testing ways to target ads to users migrating between apps and the mobile web. A Google spokesperson told AdAge, the company is “doing some tests to help businesses run consistent ad campaigns across a device’s mobile browser and mobile apps.”

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