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Google Moves Universal Analytics Out Of Beta

Since first being offered in October of 2012, Google announced today Universal Analytics is now out of beta, making all the features, reports and classic analytics tools — including remarketing and audience reporting — available to everyone.

According to the announcement:

Universal Analytics is the re-imagining of Google Analytics for today’s multi-screen, multi-device world and all the measurement challenges that come with it… Today we’re happy to finally announce: Universal Analytics is out of beta and everyone can use it with the same robust set of features you’re used to with classic Analytics.

Google said Universal Analytics is also now part of Google’s Premium service-level agreement, confirming Premium-service level account holders will not see a change in their level of service or product features when they upgrade.

The announcement also included details on the gradual roll-out of User ID, a feature Google claims will help users better understand their customers’ full journey, along with an overview of its time zone based processing that offers “more timely data.”

For an in-depth look at the features and benefits of Universal Analytics, check out Marketing Land columnist John Lincoln’s Complete Guide to Universal Analytics.

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