Google Analytics just stepped up their real-time reports by adding four new features: an events report, content breakdown by device, a real-time versus overall data comparison report, and shortcuts to real-time visitor segment views.
Events Report
The real-time Events report lets users filter on top events as they occur and on particular event categories and actions. By seeing if particular segments of visitors trigger different events, a user can debug event deployment in real time.
Content Breakdown By Device
Another new feature is the ability to segment real-time reports by device, breaking down content by desktop, tablet or mobile device. Google Analytics users can now see their visitors’ device type in real-time clicking on the device button in the report.
Real-Time Data Compared To Overall Data
The real-time to overall data comparison report lets users compare the pageviews of segmented visitors to overall traffic. By filtering real-time data against overall data, it is easy to spot quick comparison trends.
A “Create Shortcut” feature has been added to real-time reports, eliminating the need to create a filter every time a user wants to view certain segments of visitors in real-time.
Trackback & Data Hub Activity
News of these new features comes just two days after the announcement of Trackback and Data Hub Activity reports, two new standalone reports to help manage social media activity streams.
Trackback reports show all of your inbound links across the web along with a number of visits driven by each endorsing URL during the reporting period to evaluate the significance of each inbound link.
The Data Hub Activity report displays a timeline of the number of activities occurring in the Social Data Hub and allows a user to filter the list by a specific social network.
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