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Google Ad Review Center Gets Updated Interface, Navigation & New Ad Review Options

Google announced yesterday on its AdSense blog that the Ad review center has been updated with a new user interface, navigation and added features.

According to the announcement, users will now have more options for reviewing ads, including a “Show reviewed ads” checkbox, located at the top right of the Ad review center, that displays ads already reviewed.

Ad Review Center April 2014

Google has also added a new ad size widget, allowing users to review ads by size:

Ad Review Center2 April 2014

Another new feature includes an enhancement to the related ads feature. From now on, different ads containing the same logo or video will be grouped together so users can quickly allow or block them from running on their site.

While Google confirmed the new features are currently available, it did say the new ad size widget is still being tweaked, “We’re still fine-tuning this feature meaning it’s possible that not every single ad of a particular size will be captured right away, but it will capture a majority of them.”

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