Facebook apps are are getting a new centralized, mobile-friendly destination for users. The App Center has been officialy announced as the new home for all social apps. Apps can be easily viewed, sorted, search, reviewed and previewed:

Not only does the App Center look slicker, it will have a variety of benefits for users and developers. Facebook stressed that app success revolves around quality (engagement & ratings) and have added new app metrics into Insights:

This information will be crucial for App Center visibility. Facebook states:
“Well-designed apps that people enjoy will be prominently displayed. Apps that receive poor user ratings or don’t meet the quality guidelines won’t be listed.”
Not only will app center drive Facebook apps, but will help drive mobile installs. The App Center will help grow mobile apps that integrate Facebook. With the mobile App Center users can see apps compatible with their device and be sent to the App Store or Google Play to download:

Lastly, all apps will have an “App Store-esque” detail page. This will showcase screenshots, ratings and allow for the user to implement app visibility settings:

While we haven’t seen them in the initial screenshots, Paid Apps will be a part of App Center. While developers have currently leveraged in-app purchases for revenue, apps will have the ability to be purchased for a flat fee.
For more information see the Facebook Developers Blog.