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Digital billboard ads for Virgin Train display live travel times in the UK

Digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising has taken another step toward becoming a fully online medium, following a UK-based campaign this month that shows live data of current travel times.

Launched the second week of September and continuing till October 1, the campaign for Virgin Train is designed to show that “taking the train is faster than driving.” On various digital video billboards in London, Birmingham and Leeds metropolitan areas, car drivers see a real-time comparison of car and train times along popular routes to various destinations.

The travel times are automatically updated throughout the day, based on live data, and the campaign creators say this is the first time traffic and location data have been combined in an outdoor campaign.

When traffic on a given route gets heavy, the travel time comparisons are also shown on small digital video displays in gas stations, restaurants and shopping facilities at rest stops along the route, a break-out into additional screens during peak times that the campaign also cites as a first.

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