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Content intelligence platform Conductor adds DeepCrawl integration so customers’ sites are tested fo


The Searchlight platform of content intelligence firm Conductor provides insights to companies about how well topics and content on their desktop and mobile web sites fare in Google, Facebook, and other searches.

“We found almost all [of our most successful customers] use some site crawler to make sure there are as few errors as possible,” CEO Seth Besmertnik told me. These errors in site structure, missing pages, or other factors can prevent a search engine crawler from accurately mapping the site.

To remedy this, Conductor had offered a site auditing tool through its platform, but Besmertnik described it as “rudimentary.” So this week, the New York City-based company is announcing an integration with DeepCrawl, which Conductor describes as “the world’s most powerful web crawler.”

Deep Crawl is now an add-on option for Conductor subscribers. Those employing this option will see high-level “insights” from Deep Crawl about their sites, such as:

Conductor screen

If a Conductor user also has a DeepCrawl subscription, a drill-down is available with details that the site developer needs to make changes. Conductor also offers a professional service to turn the DeepCrawl report into language that non-developer site managers can act on.

Besmertnik noted that his company’s key competitors are BrightEdge and Searchmetrics. “Both have their own site audit,” he said, “but they are extremely elementary.”

“They’re where we were previously.”

As the integration is just being launched now, Conductor doesn’t yet have any stats as to whether a DeepCrawl audit and resulting implementation make much difference.

Along with the DeepCrawl integration, Conductor has also announced a reworking of its user interface. Besmertnik told me the new version is based on interviews his company conducted over a year to determine the workflows undertaken by its most successful customers. The UI is now designed around those steps:

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