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Apps Using Google’s New App Indexing API Will Receive A Ranking Boost


Back in February Google announced that apps that leveraged App Indexing would begin to rank better in mobile search. Today at SMX East, Mariya Moeva, a Google Webmaster Trends Analyst, announced another ranking boost for those apps that use the new App Indexing API.

This ranking boost isn’t the same as the initial App Indexing boost, but rather is an additional boost. There is not a formal announcement to date from Google, due to the fact that the landscape is changing incredibly quickly.

In addition, Google announced additional app indexing news at SMX East including:

New Search Console Features Developers will now have the ability to:

  1. Segment out search analytics data.

  2. Fetch as Google by uploading your APK directly.

  3. Full API responses for Fetch as Google results.

New iOS Indexing Documentation A fresh new set of details around iOS app indexing was released today and is live on the Google Developers site. For more information, see Search Engine Land.

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