Apple announced Friday that it has partnered with several ad tech companies to bring programmatic buying to iAd, it’s mobile ad network. The move will allow advertisers to automate ad buys and reporting across more than 250,000 iOS apps.
The launch partners include MediaMath, The Trade Desk, Rubicon Project (which accidentally leaked the news earlier this week), GET IT Mobile, Accordant Media, Adelphic, and AdRoll. Apple released an updated API for its automated buying platform, iAd Workbench, to power programmatic.
Apple’s iAd has struggled to find its footing and make a dent in mobile ad market share, but the move to programmatic follows several recent efforts to improve its capabilities and reignite interest in the network. Opening up to programmatic brings iAd in line with other networks and should help it meet increasing advertiser demand for automated, data-driven ad buying.
Demand for in-app advertising opportunities will continue to grow as usage rates climb. A recent study found that Americans are now spending more time engaging with mobile devices than TV. Apple is able to offer anonymized user data on iTunes and the App Store for ad targeting.
The company recently introduced retargeting accross iOS devices as well as new rich media ad formats to appeal to brands in iAd. Apple has also been expanding the ad network’s scale, which is now available in 100 countries.