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Amazon Gives Developers New App Engagement Reports To Track Key Metrics

Last week, Amazon launched

Engagement Reports to help developers monitor app usage metrics. Engagement Report data includes information from the Kindle Fire HD, the new Kindle Fire, and Android devices that use the most recent version of the Amazon store.

Tracking daily and monthly active devices, installs, sessions, average revenue per device and retention, the Engagement Reports are free and do not have to be integrated. Users can filter the reports by marketplace, view them as a chart or downloaded as a CSV.  Apps submitted and published after October 25, 2012 will have Engagement Report data available, unless the app has been updated since that date. If so, it will need to be republished before data can be collected.

To access Engagement Reports, developers must go to the ‘Reporting’ tab in the Mobile App Distribution Portal. From the ‘Reporting’ tab, users select the Engagementbeta link.

Amazon has separated the reports into three sections: the criteria selection (#3 in the image) where users select the app, date range and marketplace; a report selection (#4 in the image) that includes five different reports; and, the overview report (#5 in the image) which lists key performance metrics across a selectable date range and lifetime totals for an app or game.

Amazon Engagement Reports
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