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Amazon adds customer acquisition metrics for display, video, Sponsored Brands campaigns

Amazon has introduced new metrics that capture insights on new customers that converted from ad campaigns.

The “new-to-brand” metrics are available for video, display and Sponsored Brands ad campaigns (the ads that showcase several products formerly called headline search ads).

Why you should care

The segment includes ad-converting customers that purchased a brand’s products on Amazon for the first time in the past 12 months. The set of metrics includes new-to-brand purchases, new-to-brand purchase rate and cost per new customer.

Being able to segment and analyze how well — and efficiently — these branding-oriented campaign types convert new customers will give advertisers a clearer view into which formats and channels work best to achieve their acquisition and customer loyalty goals.

More about the news

  1. The metrics are only available for conversions that occur on Amazon.

  2. The ability to see new customer acquisition metrics isn’t all that momentous on its own, but this addition is part of a series of updates Amazon has been making to its advertising platform.

  3. Video and display campaigns run across, Amazon owned and operated properties such as IMDB, Amazon devices and third-party sites that are part of Amazon’s ad network.

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