As SEOs, we’re always digging into data. But I often find that SEO consultants and agencies aren’t looking deeply into their own data at the metrics that really matter when running a business.
Do You Over-serve Some Clients & Under-serve Others?
We all know the old adage that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Are you guilty of over-serving some clients and under-serving others?
Under-serving clients in SEO can be a surefire way to lose SEO ground and possibly lose a client. But certain clients can demand more time — in some cases, to the detriment of your project’s profit level and taking away staff from other clients, as well.
To measure this, you’ll need to first understand how many hours you spend on an SEO contract on average. You’ll need to be using a time-tracking system to understand hours spent against each project or client. Are some clients receiving many more hours than others?
Is Each Client A Profitable One?
Profitability is the key to every business, so it’s important that each client and project be profitable. If a client is not profitable, then you’re losing money on the client/project. That’s akin to paying the client to do the work for them. Don’t do that.
To measure this, you’ll need to understand the time and expenses you put forth for each client or project. If you’re using time tracking, you know how much time you’ve spent against a client/project.