Google’s one-day public sale of Google Glass was apparently a success.
The online store where Glass and its accessories are sold to Glass Explorers now lists all five colors of Glass as “out of stock.” During the day Tuesday, Google listed the white (“Cotton”) version of Glass as out of stock while continuing to sell the other four colors.
Google isn’t sharing any specific sales figures, but a spokesperson sent out this statement a short time ago about the device going out of stock:
“We were getting through our stock faster than we expected, so we decided to shut the store down. While you can still access the site, Glass will be marked as sold out. We are leaving the site open so Explorers can still get any accessories they need.”
Without exact sales figures, it’s impossible to really judge the overall success of the one-day sale. If Google sold 50-100 units of each color, that’s one thing. If it sold 500-1,000 of each color, that’s something else altogether.
On the other hand, Google’s goals surely weren’t strictly sales-related. Adding new Explorers helps Google with continued feedback — which is especially valuable from new users, as opposed to folks like me that have had Glass for nearly a year now. And the sale itself also generated a lot of (mostly positive) attention for Glass, which the company must see as a welcome change of pace after recent incidents where Explorers have been physically challenged by others, where Glass has been banned and so forth.
Google opened up Glass sales to any U.S. adult at about 6:00 am PT yesterday, then closed the store to public access at about 9:00 pm PT.