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AdStage Adds Optimizely And Other Ad Solutions To App Suite, Launches New API For Marketing App Devs

AdStage, which launched just last year, is aiming to loosen the grip Marin, Kenshoo and Adobe have on ad management by giving SMBs self-serve access to an ad management platform and third-party advertising tools. Advertisers can create and analyze campaigns

across a suite of networks including Google, Bing, LinkedIn and Facebook  simultaneously and plug into a number of advertising tools including ReTargeter, Unbounce, MixRanks and ThinkStock through its app system.

This week at LAUNCH festival — where it won “Best Business” last year –the company announced the addition of new tool providers to its app suite including Wordtracker for keyword discovery and Optimizely for landing page optimization. Ad Scrambler, AdStage’s own tool allows advertisers to launch and test creative across networks automatically, is also new to the app suite, bringing the total number of apps offered to 10.

AdStage also launched a new App Partnership Program which will allow marketing app developers to integrate into AdStage with a new API. App partners can manage, market and monetize their apps to advertisers on AdStage through the app gallery and co-marketing campaigns.

“Our goal with apps isn’t to create a massive marketplace,” said Sahil Jain, AdStage CEO and co-founder. “The idea is to bring the most relevant and high-value cohort of apps under one roof for paid marketing, make them easy to access within the context of campaign management and extend the feature set of AdStage for our users.”

AdStage, still in beta, is offering advertisers access for $99 a month after a 30-day free trial. The company also secured $1 million in seed funding by Digital Garage, bringing its total funding to over $2.5 million since launching last year. The company is focusing on growing its user base, adding support for more ad networks and ad types and plans to grow from a team of 11 to more than 20 by year-end.

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