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10 ways to get ready for the new AdWords


After hosting Brandcast and I/O, Google wrapped up a busy month of announcements with Performance Summit, the new name for their combined AdWords and Analytics launch event. I had the good fortune of getting invited to a press event where I could ask questions of Sridhar Ramaswamy and Jerry Dischler, my former colleagues at Google, and now the top AdWords engineering and product management leaders.

The changes that were announced should now be familiar to anyone in the PPC industry (this site did a great roundup of the announcement) but your game plan for preparing may still be up in the air (as are precise launch details from Google), so I’ll share my thoughts on 10 ways to prep for what’s coming soon to AdWords.

Expanded text ads

Not all announcements got equal billing at the event, but Expanded Text Ads was one of the headliners. It was also very well received by advertisers, probably because Google is teasing a 20-percent lift in CTR thanks to the extra 50 percent of ad text space. As is well documented in several posts on the topic of Ad Rank and Quality Score, a lift in CTR usually produces increases in Quality Score and a corresponding decrease in the CPC required to maintain the same Ad Rank.


But getting these benefits will also require significant effort from advertisers, who will need to update all their ads. Until that time comes, here are a few other things you can do today to start preparing.

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