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Yahoo Q1 2015 Earnings Report: Revenue Up 8% With Mobile Seeing A 61% YoY Increase


During yesterday’s earnings call, Yahoo reported an eight percent increase in revenue growth, reaching $1,226 million in Q1 2015.

“Yahoo is amidst a multi-year transformation to return an iconic company to greatness,” said CEO Marissa Mayer, “This quarter, we saw encouraging revenue growth of 8%, with display revenue growing a modest 2% and search growing 20%.”

While up only two percent, Yahoo says this is the first time it has experienced Q1 growth in display revenue since 2011. Mobile revenue accounted for the biggest growth during Q1, up 61 percent year-over-year. Yahoo reported its mobile revenue represented 21 percent of its traffic-driven revenue during Q1 2015.

Here is a quick rundown of Yahoo’s revenue numbers:

  1. Search revenue reached $532 million, up 20 percent year-over-year.

  2. Display revenue was $464 million, a two-percent growth year-over-year.

  3. Mobile revenue totaled $234 million, up 61 percent year-over-year.

For business highlights, Yahoo noted its Mozilla partnership helped the company reach a five-year high for search volume during Q1 2015.

Other business highlights included the amended search partnership with Microsoft, launch of the Yahoo Mobile Developer Suite, new Yahoo mail features, new media and advertising partnerships and its recent acquisition of BrightRoll to advance its video ad initiatives.

Yahoo Q1 2015 Earnings Report

Yahoo Q1 2015 earnings report revenue
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