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What does it take to run a successful email marketing program?

With four multi-million dollar companies under his belt, including KISSmetrics, CrazyEGG and HelloBar, and features in Forbes, Entrepreneur and Inc., chances are you’re already familiar with Neil Patel if you work in digital marketing.

Working with companies like NBC, Amazon and Viacom to grow their online revenue, Neil has built a reputation for himself as one of the web’s foremost marketers. In fact, Entrepreneur Magazine has even named Neil Patel the world’s #1 marketer.

Recently, Maropost had a chance to sit down with Neil to talk all things email marketing. If you’re looking to learn more about what it takes to run a successful email marketing program (and what that even means), download this guide from Marpost.

Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download “Neil Patel’s Guide to Email Marketing.”

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