This week The Weather Channel has launched a new, re-designed app for iPhone. To help build awareness for the launch, The Weather Channel partnered with BBDO New York to create a campaign incorporating less than traditional ways to announce the new app as well as to demonstrate its new design and further reinforce The Weather Channel’s position in the weather forecast space.
First, BBDO created wild, real-time postings that used a static medium to reinforce the accuracy of The Weather Channel forecasts. Posters were printed to look like “Coming Soon” movie posters which forecast the specific weather in each city three days out. Posters were made and posted in a matter of hours to illustrate the accuracy of the weather forecast. The posters appeared in Chicago, LA and NY.
Next, The Weather Channel staged an on-air green screen stunt. Actors in green suits surprised the on camera meteorologists live during the morning broadcasts of AMHQ and Weather Channel Live by playing tricks on them like tickling them with a feather or offering them floating popcorn…all meant to show how the new app provides “a whole new way to mess with the weather.”
Beyond this, the campaign will also include an experiential element. This weekend, in NYC’s Chelsea Market, BBDO will set up an interactive weather booth where people will have the opportunity to be a meteorologist for a day and play with the app. The best videos will be shown on The Weather Channel. The booth will be open to the public Friday April 25 and Saturday April 26.
Have you seen a great piece of creative that’s worthy of sharing? If so, we’d love to highlight it here. Please send submissions to