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Volkswagen Wins Title Of Most Shared Super Bowl Brand Ever With Over 7 Million Shares

After putting together its list of the top 20 most shared Super Bowl ads of all time, video marketing firm Unruly determined the top ten most shared Super Bowl brands ever, with Volkswagen leading the list.

To rank the most shared Super Bowl brands, Unruly measured the combined number of online shares earned by each brand’s catalog of Super Bowl ads.

Not only did Volkswagen’s 2011 “The Force” win the No. 1 spot for most shared Super Bowl ad of all time, the automotive brand’s full list of Super Bowl ads has earned more than 7,071,522 combined shares, making Volkswagen the most shared Super Bowl brand ever.

“The auto manufacturer’s ads have attracted more online video shares across the social web than any other Super Bowl sponsor,” claims Unruly.

Unruly noted the automobile sector is the most popular vertical for Super Bowl brands earning a collected 11.81 million shares, followed by the CPG sector with 9.56 million shares, and the entertainment sector with 4.01 million shares.

Top Ten Most Shared Super Bowl Brands of All Time

Unruly Top ten most popular super bowl brands
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